The word today is “tax cuts.” Chris Matthews spent 23 minutes on the subject yesterday, and Keith Olbermann spent 18 minutes. We talked about Bush tax cuts, Obama tax cuts, Republican tax cuts, Democratic tax cuts, bi-partisan tax cuts and non-partisan tax cuts.
We talked about tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for the poor, tax cuts for the middle class, tax cuts for the unemployed and tax cuts for people who don’t pay taxes. Oh wait, we didn’t talk about those last two. Of course we didn’t talk about those last two.
We talked about tax cuts for people who vote Republican, tax cuts for people who vote Democrat, tax cuts for people who vote Tea Party, tax cuts for people who vote Independent. We did not talk about tax cuts for people who don’t vote because, well, they don’t vote. Tax cuts are about getting votes, so if they aren’t voting then to hell with them.
I tried to count the number of times that they used the phrase “tax cuts,” but my calculator exploded. I did count seven times in one sentence.
We talked about “putting the debt on the national credit card for future generations to pay so that we can cut taxes for the rich” being the wrong thing to do, which is an idiotic statement. Who ever pays off a credit card? Besides, according to Krugman, a national debt is not something that is ever supposed to be paid off since we are going to “grow our way out of it.”
It also begs the question of why we should “put debt on the national credit card for future generations to pay” so that we can cut taxes for any part of today’s generation. Why shouldn't we be paying for our own fucking wars?
Obama is warning us not to vote for Republicans because they will cut taxes for the other people, but to vote for Democrats because he will see to it that they will cut taxes for you, but that is not class warfare. It’s only class warfare when Republicans do it.
Very interesting. You are right. Who ever pays off a credit card?