Thursday, March 01, 2012

Deaths In The News

I actually liked the Monkees, and find it hard to believe that Davy Jones was 66 years old. Damn. It does not seem like that long ago. His group was fun though, and I hope his life was as enjoyable as his music.

Andrew Breitbart was an asshole, and the world is well rid of him. He had no redeeming qualities whatever. Unlike Christopher Hitchens, who was at least smart and interesting to listen to, this jackass was dumb as a post.


  1. bruce2:38 PM

    Agreed on Davy Jones - the Monkees were fun, no matter what anyone else said.

    On the other one - well, I guess you don't mince words...

  2. Jayhawk will tell what he thinks. In no uncertain terms.

  3. bruce9:45 AM

    The title says it all: "On My Mind"
