Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On Others' Minds

What concerns do voters have about the candidates? Well, there was a poll taken where people were asked to pick from a list of negatives about the two presidential candidates. "Which one of these items most concerns you," people were asked, "about the candidate?"

For John McCain the "winning" item was that he had picked Sarah Palin as VP and that she was clearly not ready to be president in the event of his incapacitation. No fewer than 34% picked that reply.

For Barack Obama, the "winner" was, "None of the above concern me."


  1. There may be hope, yet, for American voters - at least the ones who responded to that poll!

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I find those results amusing.. and similar to my thoughts as well. Of course, I didn't see any of the listed items..
