Hysteria over the “Delta variant” has completely unraveled the vaccination mandate, although authoritarian government has not yet recognized that and is still trying to ban you from employment, travel and entertainment unless you submit to a jab that, from a public health standpoint, is completely useless.
Fear of the “Delta variant” may be real (may be), but rationale for the vaccine mandate most certainly is not, now that the CDC has announced that people who are vaccinated can get infected and carry viral loads as high as, and even higher than, people who are not vaccinated.
This means that people who are vaccinated can spread the “Delta variant” as easily as those who have not been vaccinated, which in turn means that there is no public health benefit to vaccination. Yet more and more companies and governments are denying access unless you have been vaccinated. That might be a reasonable precaution to protect others if vaccination prevented, or even reduced the spread of Covid19 but, according to the CDC, it does not.
Friday, July 30, 2021
Mandatory Vaccination Unravels
Friday, July 23, 2021
Sign of the Times
An article recently, on a different subject, mentioned that Obama made cuts to NASA so that private industry could take over the space effort. I checked, and rather big cuts were made during his administration. Spending is always blamed on the president (falsely of course), so Obama’s influence on those cuts is not entirely clear, and the reasons for the cuts are not clear at all, but they were made and private industry did take over.
So, what was the effect of this transition from government to private funding of the “space effort?”
Well, under government spending we sent men to the Moon and built the space station. Under private funding we have built reusable rockets to give billionaires ten-minute rides into space, which they have greatly enjoyed.
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Zampolit by Another Name
In the Soviet Navy each ship of any size had a Zampolit officer as part of ship’s company. The Zampolit was there to ensure political conformity and report on any ideologically impure crew members, including the Captain.
We are seeing the Left attempting to implement the same structure in the US, only the title is different. The equivalent of the Zampolit officer has infiltrated all major US corporations as the “Chief Diversity Officer.”
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Decisions, Decisions
I gave up on the SRX racing series because a) the racing was boring and b) listening to Danica Patrick is like listening to fingernails on a chalkboard.
Next week, however, the series will feature Bill Elliott racing against his son Chase. That has only happened once (Bill won, but Chase was still just a kid), so it is being rather seriously hyped at this point. So I have to decide a) is it being overhyped and b) is watching it next Saturday night worth listening to Danica Patrick?
Tough call. Very tough call.