Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Now, That's Negotiating

Prez: “I am not budging from $250,000.”
Reps: “We’ll go with $1 million.”
Prez: “Nope, I am not budging from $250,000.”
Reps: “Maybe $750,000?”
Prez: “Nope, I am not budging from $250,000.”
Reps: “Maybe $600,000?”
Prez: “Nope, I am not budging from $250,000.”
Reps: “Last offer, $500,000.”
Prez: “Nope, I am not budging from $250,000.”
Reps: “Shit, $400,000.”
Prez: “Throw in unemployment and you have a deal.”

And it was more clever than you think, because he changed the subject entirely. He changed it away from the “fiscal cliff” (did you notice how the spending cuts disappeared) and changed to to essentially a renewal of the Bush tax cuts minus the top bracket. He extended them two years ago with that top bracket included, this time he got them made permanent, with that top bracket removed and with some other increases thrown in. In the process, he got an extension of some social net spending, which is just gravy, and is an extra insult to Republicans. The man is not stupid.

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