Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Propositions Defeated

All of California's propositions went down to defeat, and by rather large margins, with the exception of one that denies raises to legislators when California is operating in the red. The voters booted the ball back to the idiots we voted for, saying the we're not going to fix this financial train wreck for you. We elected you to do it, now get back to work.

I don't think our governor did his cause much good by pounding his fist on the podium and making all those threats, including the one about selling off Del Mar, which contains one of America's favorite horse racing venues. Californians don't scare all that easily. We deal with horrific wildfires almost every year, and we've lived with the San Andreas for more than a century. A sawed off body builder turned actor turned governor just doesn't look all that frightening. Trying to scare us just pisses us off.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce8:46 AM

    It's not just the Governor.. it's also those idiots that we "elected" - gerrymandering made that basically assured.

    And the lobbyists, and public employee unions which dictate many policies and directions and fear tactics of their own, yadda yadda yadda.

    And the voting public - we want it all, but don;t want to pay for it. Or vote with the "aw, shucks" mentality instead of our heads and common sense. Of course, that assumes that voters have any, which they sometimes do not. This time, I think they got it right.
