I watch Keith Olbermann most nights, but now that there is a liberal I the White House I’ve learned that I have to record him for later viewing so that I can fast forward through his nonsense. The dragons have all been slain, so now he's taking on windmills and making the elderly Don look sane. His steed is old and broken down, his lance is broken, and the windmills are the ones on miniature golf courses.
Last night, for instance, he was in high dudgeon about biblical quotations on military memos in the Bush White House, wondering if this was an attempt at beginnings of an “American Theocracy.” Give me a break. Was this practice reprehensible? Probably so. Was it worth eleven minutes of brow- knitting gasbaggery and two visiting pundits at the beginning of a cable news show? Oh, good Lord. Fast forward.
Fast forward past his nightly and idiotic “Hannity Challenge” of “It has now been fifteen days since…” High school games are fun for the high school boys who draw their lines on the playground. To adults who have to stand by and watch them, they are boring.
His “worst person” thing is usually okay, except that one has to either put up with or fast forward through his nightly hate fest with Bill O’Reilly. If Fox News or Bill O’Reilly simply stated the time of day, Olbermann would somehow turn that into some horrific “worst person” moment for his show.
His final segment was six minutes of clowning and ranting on something about Michael Steele and gay marriage in his new, almost always painful “WTF Moment.” I admit that it is awkward for the Republicans when one of their politicians takes an inartful statement of an opponent and goes off on some expanded distortion and misrepresentation of what they said in an effort to discredit them. It makes the Republican party look bad, to a degree, but mostly it makes them look like blithering idiots. Keith, heads up, it makes you look like a blithering idiot too.
With all that fast forwarding that a sensible person needs to do, Countdown with Keith Olbermann is becoming a rather short “news” show.
Um... given your comments, why do you even watch, let alone tape this show? Don;t you have a stress problem or somesuch?