Saturday, May 23, 2009

California Governance

Okay, I take back what I said about how California governments do not engage in buffoonery. See also this. San Diego has 20+ miles of beach, and the seals have taken over this 30-yard stretch, causing the city government to go just batshit insane. This has been an ongoing battle between animal rights activists and the City for several years.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Why does the sound of a barking dog cost $700,000 per year? Why are they doing it when it is a foregone conclusion it will fail? When it does fail, the backup plan is to spray the seals with water? If that doesn't work, will they try showering them with anchovies? This will keep the beach available for people how? Don't people kind of dislike the amplified sound of barking dogs as well? Wouldn't you have to keep the beach clear to use water cannons?

    Now, this is the California I used to know and love! Mass craziness trumps the isoloated loon.
