Monday, October 01, 2007

Sack Dancing

The “Lights Out” sack dance is back. Believe me, this is not a plus, as evidenced by it being performed on the short end of a 30-16 score.

Merriman performs the dance to celebrate having done what he is paid to do, namely pressuring the opposing quarterback. He is less eager to call attention to himself the other twenty times that he rushed the opposing quarterback and imposed no pressure whatever. You fail at your assigned task twenty times, succeed once, and you want to crow about it? Not in the world that I live in. In my world that success rate gets you fired.

If you talk to the left offensive tackle of the New England Patriots he will say, “I am part of a unit that protects my quarterback.” If you talk to the offensive tackle of the San Diego Chargers he will say, “I am the best tackle in the NFL.” Both statements will be quite possibly true, but…
That pretty much sums up the problem that faces the Chargers.

Sack dances and big egos don’t win the important games.

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