Thursday, July 24, 2008

Surge Politics

McCain is saying that Obama is a traitor, that he is willing for this country to lose a war for his own political gain. That’s not just a one-liner he tossed out one time, that is a serious claim that he has made repeatedly. When asked, “Do you really believe that he can be that craven?” his reply is, essentially, “Yes.”

Bush III. If you disagree with me you are an unpatriotic traitor.

He is also saying specifically that it was his own personal “judgement and courage” which created what he calls “the surge that worked.” As a senator, one out of the one hundred who serve in that office.

When called out on his statement that the “surge” led to the awakening in Anbar Province, which happened six months before the “surge,” he responded by delivering an utterly unhinged redefinition of the “surge” yesterday to reporters. I won’t bother to quote his incoherent explanation of how the “surge” really meant “counter-insurgent strategy” and that increased troop count was only one aspect of that. I hope everybody got that, “counter-insurgent strategy.” Very clever.

People with IQ's in single digits will certainly go for that. And newsmen. Well, same thing.

Then he went on to say that if Obama had gotten his wish and the “surge” had not happened, the Sheik who led the Anbar Awakening would have been assassinated by Al Queda. He should have read the newspapers instead of his crystal ball, because that Sheik was, in fact, killed by a bomb right at the peak level of troops during the surge.

Blog pundits are swooning about his campaign being in such disarray that he may not even last until November, that the Republicans may pull him in favor of some other candidate. Don’t kid yourself.

Do not underestimateoverestimate the thinking power of the low information American voter. McCain is barely trailing in the polls because, “John McCain is the Great American War Hero and if I don’t vote for him then a 757 filled with Muslim terrorists will crash down on my house and kill me and my family in our sleep.”


  1. Well that might be sweet! I mean if they crashed down on my house and I were dead, then I wouldn't have to worry about them killing me anymore would I? Oh, wait, am I supposed to be worried about stuff like that? I guess my daughter might be right; I guess I just am not very trendy in my worrys about "terrorists." (I think I should go drink my first cup of coffee too.)

  2. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I'm not so worried about an airplane crashing down on me. The snafu's reuslting from fear, doubt, uncertainty, ignorance and unfortunately, selfishness are what bother me.

    Calling someone else a 'traitor' because they don;t agree with you is pretty craven and low in my book. Anyway, The Repubs won't pull McCain, they have no one else. And the base thinking of many voters was proven oh so well in the Democratic primary with all the BS they were spreading around. You need waders nowadays.

    BTW, I disagree with the Bush III item.. Bush II/jr maybe. George H.W. Bush (aka POTUS 41) was okay in my opinion. Too bad 43 didn't inherit much good out of him.
