Sunday, July 06, 2008

Startling News

Form an article in The New York Times today:
Last week, Ford Motor reported that S.U.V. sales were down 55 percent from a year ago, while demand for its full-size F-series pickup, a gas guzzler that was the country’s best-selling vehicle for 26 consecutive years, is off 40 percent.

What amazes me is that 45% of SUV's are still selling, and full-sized truck sales are off by only 40% despite gas at $4.00/gallon and rising and an economy that's in utter disrepair.

I'm reading a book titled Just How Stupid Are We? It's about voters, but...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    there still is a market for large vehicles, but for those that need them for specific purposes. FOr everyday families, it's an extravagence [sp?] they don't need.

    Having said that, I have a minivan, which is truthfully larger than what I need for 75% of what I do on a daily basis. But I know that and bite the bullet. I certainly don't need a 2nd car.
