Saturday, January 26, 2019

We Don't Need No...

Elizabeth Warren is floating the highly popular “wealth tax” in her presidential campaign, a plan which is more widely than not seen as unconstitutional. She has letters from “16 legal scholars,” however, who opine that the tax is not a “direct tax” and is therefor exempt from Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4 of the constitution. (“No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the Census...”)

I’ve read a couple of these letters, which are written in legalese and are fairly difficult to understand, deliberately so I’m quite sure, and they remind me of memos written by John Yoo for the Bush Administration for the purpose of legalizing the use of torture. If that draws a parallel the between intelligence levels and general methodologies of Elizabeth Warren and George W. Bush…

Democrats don’t usually bother with such niceties. Barack Obama simply declared that the constitutional ban on the deprivation of “life, liberty or property without due process of law” could be voided by declaring the person a terrorist and killing him with a Hellfire missile. He didn’t need any lawyerly doublespeak to back him up and said, in fact, that giving that order was the easiest decision of his presidency.

I still kind of shudder at what it says about a person’s character that they consider the violation of an oath of office, not to mention ordering the death of another human being, to be easy, but Democrats in general seem to have no problem with it at all. Actually, come to think of it, the same could be said for most Republicans. Doesn't speak well for this nation.

1 comment:

  1. bruce9:21 AM

    politicians use whatever polls /stats /methodology to justify what they want to do.

    Oh and you may have to explain the first paragraph to me about taxes...
    Didn't a former president (Ford?) repudiate assassination as a tool? Or was that just heads of state, not "terrorists"? Whats's not to stop any foreign entity from declaring one of us a "terrorist" and knocking us off? Tit for tat...
