Paul Krugman is the hero of the progressive movement, advocate of liberal spending, preservationist of the middle class, etc. He also wants the Fed to go for an inflation rate of 4-5% because that
“lowers the effective debt” and reduces the cost that the nation will have to pay for all of the borrowing that it has been doing. Nice theory.
What inflation does is reward debt, Krugman’s plan, and punish savings, which Krugman carefully omits mentioning in his plan. Here are the ones who benefit from inflation

legislators and politicians who ran up the national debt

Wall Street bankers and financial institutions

stockbrokers and major stock market investors
Here are the people who are punished by inflation, even minor inflation

anyone who works for wages

people on fixed income, such as Social Security

anyone saving money for retirement
So, let’s see now
; tell me again how, with his calls for 4-5% inflation, Paul Krugman should be considered as a hero for the middle class and the
“little guy,” because I’m not seeing it.
but he has one of those Swedish medal thingies, so that makes him a hero. Oh wait, Obama has one too. Hmmm... which one, which one... my head is aching. Never mind my sides from laughing.
ReplyDeleteNeeds more research about him.