Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Non-Rebuttal Angst

The Republican leadership has decided that they will offer no rebuttal after Obama's "jobs plan" speech tomorrow night and Nancy Pelosi is outraged, saying that failing to rebut Obama shows disrespect. Sigh.

All I can say is that Nancy is easily outraged. Of course, we've known that for some years. Republicans non-rebuttal may have something to do with there being an NFL football game on after Obama's speech, but even if it's not, disrespect for Obama from the Republican Party is hardly anything new. And this may be the least severely insulting disrespectful thing they have done for Obama lately.

Okay, that last statement wasn't very clear, but you know what I mean.

1 comment:

  1. Why on earth would a 'no rebuttal' be disrespectful? Perhaps the Dems think that the Rubs think so little of the jobs plan that they have nothing to say. Perhaps they are right (on both sides). But maybe it one less chance for the Dems to try and out-argue the Rubs.

    Right now, I'd rather watch the football game. It's bound to be more interesting that whatever either party has to say.
