Polls are what they are. People interpreting polls will put whatever spin they want on them to make the poll say whatever they want it to say. The poll on “health care reform” is a case in point in that supporters of the “reform” claim that 56% of people support it while opponents, citing the same poll, claim that only 43% do.
The difference is a category, comprising 13% of respondents, who say that the reform “should be more liberal.” One side claims that answer constitutes support of “health care reform” while the other side claims it does not. I’m not going to claim that I know who is right, but I will tell you that for me it fouls up the poll.
Asked if I support “health care reform” as it was passed by Congress on a yes/no basis, I would have no problem in unhesitatingly checking the “no” box. If there was an “Oh hell no” box, I would check it.
Add the question about whether it should be more liberal and I am presented with a dilemma. I most certainly think it should be more liberal, but I am certainly not going to check that box if I know that some jackass is going to count it as a vote in favor of the abomination passed by Congress.
Chris Matthews included that 13% as approval, saying, “That actually that means they approve of it, they just think that it should be more liberal.”
Well, Chris, maybe some of them meant it that way. I would have meant to say that I don’t approve of it as passed by Congress. I regard it as a gift to corporations and an abomination to the American people. I don’t approve of it because think it should be more liberal.
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