Monday, December 30, 2024

This is Ridiculous

The beat goes on, with one poll now claiming that 70% of Americans saying that the United Healthcare president deserved to be shot because he denied too many medical benefit claims. 

An insurance company collects $1 million in premiums. Lets forget about paying its employees, or paying rent on the building it occupies, or paying for electricity to run its computers. It receives claims for medical benefits totaling $1.8 million. Is it supposed to pay all of those claims?

I don't know how many claims United Healthcare received compared to premiums it collected, but neither do the people who claim that its president deserved to be shot. And how many medical benefit claims did he personally reject?

1 comment:

  1. I think that the whole health care industry should be a non-profit system. That might help at least somewhat. Not saying claims shouldn't be denied, obviously some should be and will.
