Thursday, October 12, 2006

Commander in Who?

An excerpt from Goerge Bush in his press conference yesterday. The quote is by no means precise, but I defy anyone to remember precisely for more than a few minutes anything that Bush says.

"Do I support a change in the number of troops? Heck yes, if General Casey asks for more troops he'll get more troops. Do I support a change of plan? Heck yes, if General Casey wants to change tactics I support anything he wants to do." etc.

He has been saying for a couple of years that the "Generals on the ground" receive as many troops as they ask for. There is some question as to whether or not that is true, but he has been making that claim.

So troop levels, strategy and tactics in Iraq are all determined by the "Generals on the ground" there. So what, precisely, is the meaning of the title Commander in Chief that he is so fond of applying to himself?

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