Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Many parts of the country/world have four seasons, composers even write classical music about them. Here in Southern California, we have two seasons: rainy season and fire season. Guess which one is getting longer. Fire season starts in July June May April.

LA has a bad fire in progress now, one that is not expected to be put out for several more days. In metropolitan San Diego we've had two rather frightening outbreaks this past week, both of which were extinguished before they got going.

We only got about two-thirds of our normal rainfall this year, after two record-breaking dry years, and vegetation moisture levels are already where they were in August of last year. And the county still has no regional fire agency, so... On the bright side, over 700,000 acres of land has already been burned within the past four years. On the down side, somewhat more than that has not and there are a lot of homes in that part. Including ours.

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