Monday, March 29, 2021

The Grand Experiment

When I was a young kid, probably age 9 or 10, I watched my mother living in a full body cast for almost a year because she was given a polio vaccine which had not been adequately tested. (The experience was not as passive as “watching her” sounds, of course.)  I won’t go into the details of that vaccine fiasco, but you can look them up if you want. They are fairly readily available.

It seems we do not learn from experience because we are now not only releasing, but are aggressively promoting an unapproved vaccine that was tested on humans for only two months before the FDA released it “for experimental use” on the general public. We do not, however, appear to be recording the results of that “experimental use.”

When you got the shot(s), were you told specifically, that you were participating in an experiment? Were you given a form to send to a central recording agency, as to any effects you experienced after the shot, any exposure you have to the virus after the shot, and as to whether of not you became ill from the Coronavirus? Of course not.

“Experimental use;” but if you are not recording the results, you are not conducting an experiment.

The medical establishment is not using the vaccine as authorized by the FDA, it is generally administering a medication that is not approved for general use, and the government is not only allowing that illegality, it is actively encouraging and concealing it.

So no, I have not gone down and invited anyone to stick a needle into my arm and enroll me in a grand experiment which without recorded results cannot, as an experiment, benefit anyone.