There may be a planet somewhere on which it makes sense to complain about a shortage of employees to fill vacant positions while firing the employees you have because they refuse to be politically correct, but this is not that planet.
Monday, September 13, 2021
Pandemic Logic
Tuesday, September 07, 2021
Misinformation as a Public Health Crisis
San Diego City Council passed a resolution last week declaring that “Covid misinformation is a public health crisis.”
No specific action was included in that resolution, merely that the conclusion be “studied,” and that methods be devised to prevent misinformation from being spread.
Meanwhile the public health agencies, along with doctor and nursing agencies, continue to urge everyone to get vaccinated immediately if they have not done so because this “surge” is happening due to the “fact” that Covid is now “the disease of the unvaccinated.” They claim that nearly all of the “cases” today are occurring among people who have not received the shot(s).
Other countries, much more heavily vaccinated than the US, are experiencing something rather different.
San Diego claims that 75% of our population is “fully vaccinated,” and that 25% of our population is now causing more cases than 100% of the population caused a year ago when the vaccine was not available. To anyone with more than a few functioning brain cells, that seems highly unlikely. Who’s spreading misinformation?
So perhaps the difference between San Diego and Israel, Iceland and Gibralter, all with vaccination rates and infection rates higher than ours, is not so much the experience as the degree of honesty.